3 Must See European Year of Culture Heritage Events

3 Must See European Year of Culture Heritage Events

Italy has plenty to offer for the European Year of Culture Heritage 2018 which is hosting 1,136 events as part of the EU-wide ceremony. We’ve listed the 3 events you absolutely MUST SEE if you plan on being in attendance. 


Chiaravalle Milanese


New Cultural Landscape is running until December 31st, 2018. 

An interactive project that involves residents, city-users and tourists in a "performative event" geared at regenerating this area on the outskirts of Milan. Chiaravalle is the name Saint Bernard of Clairvaux gave to the area when he founded the Cistercian abbey in 1135. Before 1923, Chiaravalle was an autonomous comune, named Chiaravalle Milanese, and despite being annexed to Milan, Chiaravalle has maintained the character of an autonomous town. The park that embraces the district also separates it from the urban agglomeration of the city. This isolation is reinforced by the scarceness of public transportation to the centre of the district.

"In a 1100-inhabitant-village, Chiaravalle’s old school gym has been transformed into a community hub, which aspires to become the local community’s hybrid cultural space dedicated to the landscape. terzo paesaggio’s goal is to provide workshop, based on the monks’ ancient tradition of cantieri scuola and memorable experiences," say the organizers.



Italian Capital of Culture 2018 is running until December 31st, 2018. The city of Palermo is noted for its historyculturearchitecture and gastronomy, that has played an important role throughout much of its existence; it is over 2,700 years old. Palermo is located in the northwest of the island of Sicily, right by the Gulf of Palermo in the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Palermo is hosting 132 concerts, 132 exhibitions and 12,151 programs by artists as part of its designation as Italian Capital of Culture 2018. Dance, photography, architecture, street art, lectures and so much more in the Sicilian capital. 



Venice Time Machine is running until December 31st, 2018. 

Venice is situated across a group of 118 small islands in northeastern Italy that are separated by canals and linked by over 400 bridges. and is renowned for it’s beautiful architecture and artwork. The lagoon and a part of the city are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

"The Venice Time Machine project, based on historical and cultural data from important archives and libraries and strengthened by advanced software and cutting-edge visualization methods, aims to build an interactive model of Venice and its social, economic and political environment during the centuries," according to MIBAC. 

We hope you’ve enjoyed learning about the 3 Must See European Year of Culture Heritage Events! Planning a trip to be in attendance? Our native instructors and culturally immersive group classes can help you get the most out of all of the wonderful cultural celebrations taking place in Italy this year. Click below to learn more.